Customer Reviews
I put this on my bike, tightened it up and one of the threads stripped!
This Tomtom mount fit the bike perfectly with no adjustments required. The bends allow about 1/8" clearance above the top triple tree (yoke). The matte black finish and stainless replacement (longer) bolts look factory. You may need a ratchet or bar to loosen the bolts, they are around 25-30 lb-ft.
Once installed the position of the GPS is perfect. Sitting on the bike I angled it to view straight on. This places the top of my Tomtom Rider 550 housing just below the bottom of the TFT display, yet away from the ignition key etc. Somebody spent some time designing this one, well done!
Good quality, though, I had problem in installing it. The package should includes the Allen keys: UK size are different from the EU size.
Please consider include the tools when you delivery outside UK...